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Cure — Charlotte Sometimes (ver 2) Chords

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The Cure
Charlotte Sometimes

From: Sir Rafael Gonzalez Parra  iesu_luveh—kerapf@hotmail.com
yeah!!!!! The Cure!!!!!!

Keyboard play this chords in the Paris (live version)
in the disc version i think it's same only with bells


Base Em,F,C,A

Intro: Em, F, C, A, one by one


1st verse:


Em       F            C       A         G F one by one

All the faces all the voices blur

change to one face change to one voice............

One by one play this chord:

Em      F             C             A       
into the night with charlotte sometimes..........

Alternate chord G F

people seem so close so play ........


First time chorus

Em         F        C               A         G F     one by one
sometimes i dream where all the other people dance...............


G F alternate the chord
so many different names.......

........come tome scared princess......
